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Maxium Volleyball Performance

MVP Fitness - Maximum Volleyball Performance

Remove Limitations · Enhance Abilities · Optimize Performance

Become Bulletproof

Our program helps athletes reach their full potential so they can perform at the highest possible level. Contact us today to get started!

Training sessions are held at Midtown Trainers Gulf Shores.
MVP Exercises are Volleyball specific volleyball modalities.  Top athlete training!!!  

Injury Prevention workouts session with Eddie Henry.


Eddie Henry

The MVP Fitness Program is made up of 10 comprehensive, 45-minute workouts -- 6 "in-season" optimization workouts, and 4 "off-season" adaptation workouts.

Our approach is designed to optimize an athlete’s mental and physical performance, so that they can reach their full potential. We specialize in creating bulletproof athletes by identifying limiting factors, and training to correct them, resulting in increased foundational strength and injury prevention.

Call or email us today for more information, or if you're ready to become bulletproof.
Click here to read our FAQs.